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الموقع الإلكتروني البريد الإلكتروني

باي سيستمز بيرل ش.م.ح.

باي سيستمز بيرل ش.م.ح. المعلومات
Business Activity/Category:المعدات الكيميائية والمنتجات > كيماويات - منتجات كيماوية
البلد:United Arab Emirates
  • DXB:04-3337837      (+971 4 3337837) or (043337837)
  • DXB:04-3202627      (+971 4 3202627) or (043202627)
Location:Ras Al Khor Industrial Area, Al Aweer
الموقع الإلكتروني:

Location Map

Ras Al Khor Industrial Area, Al Aweer
United Arab Emirates


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Kingdom, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates / , United Arab Emirates / , Ukraine | , Ukraine | , Uganda, Uganda, Turkmenistan | , Turkmenistan | , Turkey | Trkiye, Turkey | T&#252rkiye, Turkey | T&#252rkiye, Tunisia | , Tunisia | , Togo | Togolaise, Togo | Togolaise, Thailand | , Thailand | , Tanzania, Tanzania, Tajikistan | , Tajikistan | , Taiwan | , Taiwan | , Syria | , Switzerland | Schweiz, Switzerland | Schweiz, Sweden | Sverige, Sweden | Sverige, Swaziland, Swaziland, Suriname, Suriname, Sudan | , Sudan | , Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka, Spring, Phoenix, US, Spain | Espaa, Spain | Espaa, South Korea | , South Korea | , South Africa, South Africa, Somalia | Soomaaliya, Somalia | Soomaaliya, Solomon Islands, Solomon Islands, Slovenia | Slovenija, Slovenia | Slovenija, Slovakia | Slovensko, Slovakia | Slovensko, Singapore | , Singapore | , Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone, Serbia | , Serbia | , Senegal | Sngal, Senegal | Sngal, Saudi Arabia | , San Marino, San Marino, Rwanda, Rwanda, Russia | , 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Honduras, Honduras, Haiti | Hati, Haiti | Hati, Guyana, Guyana, Guinea-Bissan | Guine-Bissau, Guinea-Bissan | Guine-Bissau, Guinea | Guine, Guinea | Guine, Guatemala, Guatemala, Greenland, Greenland, Greece | , Greece | , Ghana, Ghana, Germany | Deutschland, Germany | Deutschland, Georgia | , Georgia | , Gambia, Gambia, Gabon | Gabonaise, Gabon | Gabonaise, French Guyana | Rgion Guyane, French Guyana | Rgion Guyane, France, France, Foxhol, NL, Foxhol, NL, Foxhol, NL, Foxhol, NL, Finland | Suomi, Finland | Suomi, Fiji, Fiji, Fiji, Ethiopia, Ethiopia, Estonia | Eesti, Estonia | Eesti, Eritrea | , Eritrea | , Equador | Ecuador, Equador | Ecuador, El Salvador, El Salvador, Egypt | , Egypt | , East Timor | Timor-Leste, East Timor | Timor-Leste, Dominican Republic | Repblica Dominicana, Dominican Republic | Repblica Dominicana, Denmark | Danmark, Denmark | Danmark, Czech Republic | esko, Czech Republic | esko, Cyprus | , Cyprus | , Cuba, Cuba, Cte dIvoire, Cte dIvoire, Croatia | Hrvatska, Croatia | Hrvatska, Costa Rica, Costa Rica, Congo | Kongo, Congo | Kongo, Colombia, Colombia, China | , China | , Chile, Chile, Chad | Tchad, Chad | Tchad, Central African Republic, Central African Republic, Canada, Canada, Cameroon | Cameroun, Cameroon | Cameroun, Cambodia | Kmpchea, Cambodia | Kmpchea, Burundi, Burundi, Burma | Myanmar, Burma | Myanmar, Burkina Faso, Burkina Faso, Bulgaria | , Bulgaria | , Brunei | , Brunei | , Brazil | Brasil, Brazil | Brasil, Botswana, Botswana, Bosnia and Herzegovina | , Bolivia, Bhutan, Bhutan, Benin | Bnin, Benin | Bnin, Belize, Belize, Belgium | Belgique, Belgium | Belgique, Belarus | , Belarus | , Baul USA LLC Pittsburgh, US, Baul Romans, FR, Bangladesh, Bangladesh, Bahrain | , Bahrain | , Bahamas, Bahamas, Azerbijan | , Azerbijan | , Azerbaijan | Azrbaycan, Austria | sterreich, Austria | sterreich, Australia, Australia, Armenia | , Armenia | , Argentina, Argentina, Angola, Angola, Andora | Andorra, Andora | Andorra, Algeria | Al Jaza'ir, Algeria | Al Jaza'ir, Albania | Shqipris, Albania | Shqipris, Afghanistan | , Afghanistan | ,