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الموقع الإلكتروني البريد الإلكتروني

مونديا ش.م.ح.

مونديا ش.م.ح. المعلومات
Business Activity/Category:الاستشارات > ادارة - استشاريون
البلد:United Arab Emirates
  • DXB:04-3915670      (+971 4 3915670) or (043915670)
  • DXB:04-3908808      (+971 4 3908808) or (043908808)
Location:101, Building 1, Dubai Media City
الموقع الإلكتروني:

Please install macromedia flash player Subscribe Unsubscribe Mondia bridges the international business community and the Middle East to allow the smooth flow of commercial success. Since 1990 Mondia has been contributing to the economic growth of the region and enjoyed consistent established relationships with Middle Eastern leaders. Now we extend this knowledge and open access to decision makers to our partners and customers. Our aim is to provide a diverse range of customised solutions on which Middle Eastern business success can be built. Working with Mondia is a collaborative journey. The destination is one of mutual growth and long-term commercial success in the Middle East. Simon Rahmann, Director

Location Map

101, Building 1, Dubai Media City
United Arab Emirates


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