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الموقع الإلكتروني البريد الإلكتروني

نجم البحر للخدمات الهندسية والفنية

نجم البحر للخدمات الهندسية والفنية المعلومات
Business Activity/Category:النفط والغاز > بترول - حقول - مقاولون وخدمات
البلد:United Arab Emirates
  • ADH:02-6421100      (+971 2 6421100) or (026421100)
  • ADH:02-6417298      (+971 2 6417298) or (026417298)
Location:Mezzanine Floor, Choice Restaurant Building, Passport Road
الموقع الإلكتروني:

In this growing market of opportunities, companies need top-notch systems of functioning to stay competitive. It can be easily comprehended that manpower is the most careful investment to be made by any venture to conquer success. Sea Star Engineering & Technical Services is a manpower consultant and supplier based in Abu Dhabi, catering to this highly demanding field. With over two decades of hands-on experience in the business, Sea Star is continuously striving for improving quality, adhering to firm ethical values and social conduct. Sea Star understands the relevance of keeping a strict quality policy. We believe that business can stay healthy in the long run only with a deep dedication to quality. This vision enables us to provide quality technical and non-technical personnel to our valuable clients. We are the pre-qualified manpower suppliers with almost all major oil companies in the region.

Location Map

Mezzanine Floor, Choice Restaurant Building, Passport Road
United Arab Emirates


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