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الموقع الإلكتروني البريد الإلكتروني

مجموعة تشرشل

مجموعة تشرشل المعلومات
Business Activity/Category:عمل > أعمال - استشاريون
البلد:United Arab Emirates
  • ADH:02-6715152      (+971 2 6715152) or (026715152)
  • ADH:02-6715150      (+971 2 6715150) or (026715150)
Location:2nd Floor, ABN Amro Bank Building, Hamdan Street
الموقع الإلكتروني:

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2nd Floor, ABN Amro Bank Building, Hamdan Street
United Arab Emirates


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region, market, business, gulf, research, financial, clients, track, success, states, services, sectors, roadshows, relationships, record, proven, network, middle, local, knowledge, group, established, establish, entry, ensures, east, contacts, consulting, churchill, access, turnkey, trusted, time, tailor, specialist, span, sourcing, skilled, service, seeking, returns, renowned, regional, read, raising, provides, provide, professionals, partners, organisation, optimum, opportunities, offering, minimal, makers, liquidity, investors, investment, international, intelligence, institutions, industry, highly, help, headings, growth, fund, focus, extensive, experts, expertise, expand, excellent, enter, dynamic, doing, dept, decision, decade, date, created, coupled, companies, commercial, clicking, churchills, assisting, accumulated, Market Research We provide tailor made market research services., Market Entry We help international clients to expand into the Gulf region., Financial Roadshows in the Middle East The Gulf States are renowned for their liquidity and investment expertise., Commercial Roadshows The dynamic growth in the region has created excellent business opportunities.,