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الموقع الإلكتروني البريد الإلكتروني

كنيسة القديس أندريوس الإنجيلية

كنيسة القديس أندريوس الإنجيلية المعلومات
Business Activity/Category: > كنائس
البلد:United Arab Emirates
  • ADH:02-4461631      (+971 2 4461631) or (024461631)
  • ADH:02-4465869      (+971 2 4465869) or (024465869)
Location:Next to British School (Al Khubairat), Old Airport Road
الموقع الإلكتروني:

Welcome to St Andrew's Church. We are most pleased to share in worship with you, whether you belong to any church back at home or completely new to church. Living in an Islamic country is an enormous privilege, not least because the regular calls to prayer from the mosques reminds us that God is at the centre of daily life. God called me to serve Him in the Middle East when I was at university and I have been in and out of the region for the last 20 years. I met my wife Navina when I lived in the UAE earlier and we married in Dubai. We have three children who are students at the British School. My mission is simple. I aim to preach the Gospel of the crucified and resurrected Jesus Christ and enable his disciples to grow through Word and Sacrament. I pray that St Andrew's Church will manifest the love and compassion of God through offering practical help to the poor. I also pray that God will provide amazing opportunities for every Christian to exercise a ministry through the life of the church and beyond. Abu Dhabi is a wonderful place to live, but it can be a challenging place too! I hope that we as a community can be a place of encouragement, support and hope. In short, a spiritual home. Children are valued here and we offer ministry and teaching to all ages. I am supported by an able staff who include Helen Verghese (secretary), John Chandy (Bursar), Aslam, Bernardo, Sheldon and Kareem. On the ministry team, Jo Henderson is our valued Reader and a priest- in- training. Chaplin: Revd. Andy Holiday club program for 4 to 11 years olds: Action packed 4 days holiday programme for 4 to 11 years olds will be organised from 3rd to 6th July, 2011. The activities include singing, games, drama and craft activities. To reserve a place please contact Mairi Clare Dunlin on 050 139 2632 or email: [email protected] The program will be held at Saint Andrew Community Center. See the location map. Our Schedule All singers are very welcome to come along to join the Choir. Just contact the Church Office on +971 2 446 1631 for details. For information about the Al Ain congregation, please contact Jarrett Fontenot at [email protected]. Morning Prayer - Monday to Thursday from 8:15am to 8:45am. In The Upper Room on Tuesday nights in flat above vicarage at 7pm. Wednesday Bible Study Course at 7.30pm in flat above vicarage. meets every Tuesday at 10:00 am.

Location Map

Next to British School (Al Khubairat), Old Airport Road
United Arab Emirates


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