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الموقع الإلكتروني البريد الإلكتروني

مختبرات العبار للابحاث و التحاليل الطبية

مختبرات العبار للابحاث و التحاليل الطبية المعلومات
Business Activity/Category:المستشفيات و العيادات > مختبرات - طبية
البلد:United Arab Emirates
  • DXB:04-3592641      (+971 4 3592641) or (043592641)
  • DXB:04-3592642      (+971 4 3592642) or (043592642)
Location:UBL Building, Near City Bank, Bank Street
الموقع الإلكتروني:

Al Abbar Medical Group is a Dubai based medical services group comprising of two companies, namely Al Abbar Medical and Scientific Supplies and Al Buheira Medical supplies. Established in 1998 under the supervision and direction of Dr. Mohammed Al Khalili, the group is a key player in the UAE and GCC regions. Al Abbar Medical & Scientific Supplies T: 009714 2672915 F: 009714 2672914 PO Box: 15681, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Email: [email protected] Web:

Location Map

UBL Building, Near City Bank, Bank Street
United Arab Emirates


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