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الموقع الإلكتروني البريد الإلكتروني

ماتكس للتجارة العامة

ماتكس للتجارة العامة المعلومات
Business Activity/Category:للتجارة العامة > تجارة - عامة
البلد:United Arab Emirates
  • DXB:04-2285571      (+971 4 2285571) or (042285571)
  • DXB:04-2296658      (+971 4 2296658) or (042296658)
Location:3, Arbift Tower, Baniyas Road, Deira
الموقع الإلكتروني:

Having offices in different countries to provide certain goods Using the human capital of young, professional and experienced Strong relationship with customers Offering unparalleled service, the best prices and quality This website uses ByJoomla's BJ! Image Slider 2, a Joomla extension developed by, to create image slideshow. ByJoomla's BJ! Image Slider 2 - a Joomla Extension will not fully functional because your browser either does not support JavaScript or has JavaScript disabled. Please either switch to a modern web browser, FireFox 3 is recommended, or enable JavaScript support in your browser for best experience with slideshow created by ByJoomla's BJ! Image Slider 2. Visit to download BJ! ImageSlider 2. MATEX is a global group with main office located in Vancouver Canada and several offices in Germany, England, UAE. The Matex activities are divided in three major fields: A) Engineering B) Raw Material covering Ferro Alloys, Non-Ferro Metals, and Carbon Graphite Products. C) Chemical and Petrochemical products including Paraffin, Vaseline, and Petro-Jell. D) Mineral including Marble stone in color of light and dark pink and cream. Our principles are aiming at providing the best quality of raw materials, chemicals, and marble stones around the world with the reasonable price. Our reputation convinces our customers to receive the genuine raw materials, chemicals, and marble stones on appropriate time. This company with having experienced and expert staff is enable to present worthwhile services in the field of supplying raw material for foundry industry, casting repairing and maintenance equipments of all kind of furnaces. Also we are representative of some valid foreign and internal companies and use from their proficiency. more This company Enjoying the most experienced engineering staff and the best research teams using the highest international standards in producing petroleum jelly, granulated, liquid and solid paraffin and jelly cable products to the market offers. more Marble is an on affiliated metamorphic rock resulting from the metamorphism of limestone, composed mostly of calcite (a crystalline form of calcium carbonate, CaCo3). It is extensively used for sculpture, as a building material, and in many other applications in consideration of its color, hardness & quality. more

Location Map

3, Arbift Tower, Baniyas Road, Deira
United Arab Emirates


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