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Kitchen Equipment & Parts
Future Kitchen Equipment LLC
Tel: +971 2 6343888 ADHFax: +971 2 6347222 ADHNext to Gigi Pharmacy, Passport Road
P.O.Box: 53285 Abu Dhabiwww.future-kitchen.comWahl International Food Equipment
Tel: +971 2 5545544 ADHFax: +971 2 5548800 ADHPlot 10, M 2, Mussafah
P.O.Box: 38050 Abu DhabiUniversal Trading Company
Tel: +971 4 2823443 DXBTel: +971 3 7218880 ALNTel: +971 2 6335331 ADHFax: +971 4 2821634 DXBFax: +971 3 7214646 ALNFax: +971 2 6211957 ADHGround Floor, UB Building, Al Garhoud
P.O.Box: 6809 Abu DhabiTomaco LLC
Tel: +971 6 5343742 SHJTel: +971 2 6446813 ADHTel: +971 4 3400191 DXBFax: +971 6 5343793 SHJFax: +971 2 6445816 ADHFax: +971 4 3400106 DXBNext to Classic Metallic, Industrial Area 15
P.O.Box: 5890 Abu DhabiSultan Bin Rashed Sultaco
Tel: +971 2 6334425 ADHTel: +971 3 7631609 ALNTel: +971 4 3377631 DXBTel: +971 6 5333748 SHJFax: +971 2 6312124 ADHFax: +971 3 7632003 ALNFax: +971 4 3350542 DXBFax: +971 6 5333754 SHJNear ADH Islamic Bank, Najda Street
P.O.Box: 965 Abu Dhabiwww.sultaco.aeSawaf Trading
Tel: +971 2 6440544 ADHFax: +971 2 6441577 ADHOpposite Navy Gate, Near Decolite, Passport Road
P.O.Box: 5236 Abu Dhabiwww.sawaf-trading.comSanitart Systems
Tel: +971 6 5330713 SHJTel: +971 4 3357666 DXBTel: +971 2 6417720 ADHFax: +971 6 5336769 SHJFax: +971 4 3357667 DXBFax: +971 2 6417721 ADHOpposite Al Mukhtar Bakery, Industrial Area 4
P.O.Box: 40373 Abu Dhabiwww.sanitart.comReem Aluminium & Steel Kitchen Establishment
Tel: +971 2 5541544 ADHFax: +971 2 5540117 ADHNext to Dhabi Contg, M 16, Mussafah
P.O.Box: 8844 Abu DhabiPhoenix Smart Systems LLC
Tel: +971 2 6455205 ADHFax: +971 2 6455204 ADHM-3, Merrit Saloon Building, Behind Juma Al Majid, Electra Street
P.O.Box: 37920 Abu DhabiMohamed Hareb Al Otaiba Kitchen & Laundry Equipment
Tel: +971 4 3414900 DXBTel: +971 2 6225700 ADHFax: +971 4 3413226 DXBFax: +971 2 6220032 ADHNear 3rd Interchange, Al Quoz
P.O.Box: 5009 Abu Dhabiwww.alotaibagroup.comMohamed Al Mutawaa Equipment Company LLC
Tel: +971 2 5553807 ADHFax: +971 2 5543230 ADHNext to Al Danube, M 9, Mussafah
P.O.Box: 8966 Abu DhabiMohamed Al Hasib Aluminium
Tel: +971 2 5542311 ADHFax: +971 2 5542690 ADHM 11, Mussafah
P.O.Box: 9565 Abu DhabiModern Kitchen Equipment Company Limited
Tel: +971 2 6420444 ADHFax: +971 2 6417427 ADHNext to Dar Al Shifa Hospital, Defence Road
P.O.Box: 43939 Abu DhabiKitchen Net
Tel: +971 2 6444607 ADHFax: +971 2 6441647 ADHNadicia
P.O.Box: 106414 Abu Dhabiwww.kitnetuae.comKitchen House
Tel: +971 6 5531121 SHJTel: +971 4 2627562 DXBTel: +971 2 6347107 ADHFax: +971 6 5532206 SHJFax: +971 4 2622241 DXBFax: +971 2 6347105 ADHNext to Choithram Super Market , King Faisal Street
Abu DhabiAl Diyafa Hotel & Catering Supplies
Tel: +971 4 3474727 DXBTel: +971 2 6813733 ADHFax: +971 4 3474515 DXBFax: +971 2 6814461 ADHInside Court Yard Building, Interchange 1 & 2, Al Quoz Industrial Area
P.O.Box: 54185 Abu Dhabiwww.aldiyafah.comElenco General Trading Establishment
Tel: +971 2 6778880 ADHTel: +971 3 7644478 ALNFax: +971 2 6771391 ADHFax: +971 3 7644479 ALNNext to International Hotel, Hamdan Street
P.O.Box: 103 Abu Dhabiwww.elenco.aeDas Aluminium Kitchens & False Ceilings
Tel: +971 2 6444622 ADHFax: +971 2 6449916 ADHEid Al Mazrouie Building, Behind ADCB, Tourist Club Area
P.O.Box: 687 Abu Dhabiwww.saharigroup.comCrystal Steel Central Kitchen Equipment Trading LLC
Tel: +971 2 5555253 ADHFax: +971 2 5555263 ADHMussafah M-11
P.O.Box: 8910 Abu DhabiCreation For Technical Equipment Establishment
Tel: +971 2 6714900 ADHFax: +971 2 6714941 ADHHamdan Street
P.O.Box: 108203 Abu DhabiCentral Kitchen Equipments
Tel: +971 2 6726008 ADHFax: +971 2 6726009 ADHGround Floor, Streetoras Night Building, Near National Bank of Abu Dhabi, Meena Street
P.O.Box: 55370 Abu Dhabi