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Delma Island Hospital
Tel: +971 2 8781888 ADHFax: +971 2 8781234 ADHDelma Island
P.O.Box: 50561 Abu DhabiSheikh Khalifa Medical City
Tel: +971 2 6102000 ADHFax: +971 2 6104962 ADHNear Central Hospital, Karama Street
P.O.Box: 51900 Abu Dhabiwww.skmc.gov.aeObagi Dermatology And Cosmetic Center
Tel: +971 2 4457100 ADHFax: +971 2 4457102 ADH11th Street, Karamah
P.O.Box: 72713 Abu Dhabiwww.obagi-uae.comNew Medical Centre Hospital
Tel: +971 6 5536936 SHJTel: +971 4 2689800 DXBTel: +971 2 6332255 ADHFax: +971 6 5536378 SHJFax: +971 4 2682353 DXBFax: +971 2 6332256 ADH1st Floor, HSBC Building, King Faisal Road
P.O.Box: 25262 Abu DhabiMafraq Hospital
Tel: +971 2 5823100 ADHFax: +971 2 5821549 ADHBehind Mafraq Hotel, Baniyas
P.O.Box: 2951 Abu DhabiLife Medical Centre
Tel: +971 2 6332300 ADHFax: +971 2 6332301 ADH1st Floor, Showtime Building, Behind BHS, Hamdan Street
P.O.Box: 7917 Abu DhabiHopital Franco Emirien
Tel: +971 2 6265722 ADHFax: +971 2 6265744 ADHAl Nahda Tower, Near Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, Corniche Road
P.O.Box: 230 Abu Dhabiwww.hfe.aeGulf Diagnostic Center
Tel: +971 2 6658090 ADHFax: +971 2 6658084 ADHAl Khaleej Al Arbi Street, Corniche
P.O.Box: 30702 Abu Dhabiwww.gdchospital.comGrace Medical Center
Tel: +971 2 4430909 ADHFax: +971 2 4433415 ADHVilla 408, Near Japanese Embassy, 26th Street, Al Roda, Khalidiya
P.O.Box: 93880 Abu DhabiGhayathi Hospital
Tel: +971 2 8741666 ADHFax: +971 2 8742008 ADHNear Ruwais, Western Region
P.O.Box: 77695 Abu DhabiGeneral Medical Centre
Tel: +971 2 6330440 ADHFax: +971 2 6312601 ADH2nd Floor, Hypermarket Building, Najda Street
P.O.Box: 8119 Abu DhabiEl Maghraby Eye & Ear Center
Tel: +971 4 2620001 DXBTel: +971 2 6345000 ADHFax: +971 4 2622180 DXBFax: +971 2 6343940 ADHNext Building, Deira
P.O.Box: 36267 Abu DhabiAbu Dhabi Central Hospital
Tel: +971 2 6214666 ADHFax: +971 2 6313664 ADHSheikh Khalifa Medical City Compound
P.O.Box: 233 Abu DhabiDar Al Shifaa Hospital
Tel: +971 2 6416999 ADHFax: +971 2 6416669 ADHBehind ADAR, Najda Road
P.O.Box: 2519 Abu Dhabiwww.daralshifaa.netChiropractic Specialty Center
Tel: +971 2 6345162 ADHFax: +971 2 6345163 ADHTower 4, Marks & Spencer Building, Electra Road
P.O.Box: 51592 Abu Dhabiwww.chiropracticuae.comAmrita Medical Center
Tel: +971 2 6661555 ADHFax: +971 2 6659900 ADHNear British Council, Al Nasr Street, Khalidiya
P.O.Box: 651 Abu DhabiAmerican European Medical Centre
Tel: +971 2 4455477 ADHFax: +971 2 4460903 ADH1st Floor, Delma Interior Building, Airport Road
P.O.Box: 32460 Abu Dhabiwww.aemcare.aeAl Salama Hospital
Tel: +971 2 6711220 ADHFax: +971 2 6711330 ADHOpposite Smokers Centre, Hamdan Street, TCA
P.O.Box: 46266 Abu Dhabiwww.alsalamahospital.comAl Reyada Medical Centre
Tel: +971 2 4460801 ADHFax: +971 2 4460803 ADHDelma Street
P.O.Box: 108626 Abu DhabiAl Reef International Hospital
Tel: +971 2 6328000 ADHFax: +971 2 6325577 ADHEmirates General Market Building, Electra Street
P.O.Box: 40407 Abu DhabiAl Noor Hospital
Tel: +971 2 6265265 ADHTel: +971 3 7667666 ALNFax: +971 2 6264440 ADHFax: +971 3 7662266 ALNBehind Lulu Centre, Khalifa Street
P.O.Box: 46713 Abu Dhabiwww.alnoorhospital.com