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Stainless Steel Fabricators
Abu Dhabi Envirotec Factory
Tel: +971 2 5500095 ADHFax: +971 2 5500096 ADHNew Industrial City of Abu Dhabi (ICAD 1), Mussafah
P.O.Box: 13040 Abu Dhabiwww.envirotecuae.comAbu Dhabi International Metal Casting Factory ADMIC
Tel: +971 2 5515237 ADHFax: +971 2 5515238 ADHNear Emirates Driving Company, Mussafah-26
P.O.Box: 44164 Abu Dhabiwww.admic.aeAfnan Metal Craft
Tel: +971 2 5546556 ADHFax: +971 2 5546558 ADHPlot 150, M 11, Mussafah
P.O.Box: 9518 Abu DhabiAl Panda Industries
Tel: +971 2 5516656 ADHFax: +971 2 5516657 ADHMW-4, Mussafah Industrial Area
P.O.Box: 33003 Abu DhabiAl Sahraa For Metal Industries LLC
Tel: +971 2 5502929 ADHFax: +971 2 5502727 ADHICAD 1, Mussafah
P.O.Box: 35988 Abu Dhabiwww.alsaharaametals.aeBelgium Aluminium & Glass Establishment
Tel: +971 4 3313344 DXBTel: +971 6 5344059 SHJTel: +971 3 7824467 ALNTel: +971 2 6769101 ADHFax: +971 4 3321001 DXBFax: +971 6 5344078 SHJFax: +971 3 7824027 ALNFax: +971 2 6769121 ADH23rd Floor, API World Tower, Sheikh Zayed Road
P.O.Box: 27832 Abu DhabiContech Engineering Company LLC
Tel: +971 4 8817111 JBLTel: +971 2 5822111 ADHFax: +971 4 8816239 JBLFax: +971 2 5824022 ADHJebel Ali Free Zone
P.O.Box: 5750 Abu Dhabiwww.contechgroup.netHidayath Trading Company WLL
Tel: +971 4 3337786 DXBTel: +971 2 5559178 ADHFax: +971 4 3337172 DXBFax: +971 2 5559179 ADHPhase-2, Dubai Investments Park
P.O.Box: 13650 Abu Dhabiwww.hidayath.comMetal Techniques For Metal & Steel Works LLC
Tel: +971 2 5544454 ADHFax: +971 2 5544505 ADHM 9, Mussafah Industrial Area
P.O.Box: 109717 Abu Dhabiwww.metaltechniques.aeNine Stars Aluminium Works
Tel: +971 2 5540390 ADHFax: +971 2 5540631 ADHPlot 40, M 9, Mussafah
P.O.Box: 36520 Abu DhabiProtech
Tel: +971 2 5553900 ADHFax: +971 2 5554710 ADHAdnoc Building, Mussafah Industrial Area
P.O.Box: 47139 Abu DhabiSwissnox Stainless Steel LLC
Tel: +971 2 5551657 ADHFax: +971 2 5551656 ADHM 11, Mussafah Industrial Area
P.O.Box: 27975 Abu DhabiYork General Contracting LLC
Tel: +971 2 5515570 ADHFax: +971 2 5515590 ADHNear Liberty Service Centre, Plot 69, M 38, Mussafah
P.O.Box: 27710 Abu Dhabi
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