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Skylink Electronic LLC

Skylink Electronic LLC Details
Business Activity/Category:Communication Equipments > Satellite Receiving Equipment
Country:United Arab Emirates
  • DXB:04-2221442      (+971 4 2221442) or (042221442)
  • DXB:04-2221442      (+971 4 2221442) or (042221442)
  • DXB:04-2222001      (+971 4 2222001) or (042222001)
  • DXB:04-2222001      (+971 4 2222001) or (042222001)
Location:Al Waswasi Building, Al Nakheel Road, Deira

We are pleased to introduce ourselves as the leading Exporter of Satellite Equipment, Telecommunication accessories, MATV Accessories, Coaxial Cables, Microphone and Speaker Cables and other Electronic Products. Distributor/Agent for: Trilogy is an ISO certified manufacturer unit and do business on the basis of quality products to our customer across the region. We have RG-6, 59 and 11 we also supplying Messenger, UL Listed, Siamese, Trishield and Quadshield and Trunk Cables. You can see specification of our products in our catalogue and we shall be pleased to respond to your trade query.

Location Map

Al Waswasi Building, Al Nakheel Road, Deira
United Arab Emirates


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