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Computer Services, Systems & Equipment
Megabit Computers
Tel: +971 6 5284454 SHJFax: +971 6 5284020 SHJAl Mansoori Building, Al Khan Road
P.O.Box: 396 SharjahGraphic International Centre
Tel: +971 2 6792930 ADHTel: +971 4 3936446 DXBTel: +971 6 5322730 SHJFax: +971 2 6792209 ADHFax: +971 4 3934955 DXBFax: +971 6 5323023 SHJBehind Old Al Noor Hospital, Hamdan Street
P.O.Box: 2243 SharjahMicroway Computer Centre
Tel: +971 6 5632366 SHJFax: +971 6 5632367 SHJClock Tower Roundabout
P.O.Box: 3235 SharjahMicrosonic Trading
Tel: +971 6 5733055 SHJFax: +971 6 5732884 SHJBehind McDonald's, King Faisal Road
P.O.Box: 62134 Sharjahwww.microsonic.netMissan Computer
Tel: +971 6 5626006 SHJFax: +971 6 5626363 SHJNational Panasonic Building, Mina Road
P.O.Box: 21017 Sharjahwww.missancomputer.comOtec Computer
Tel: +971 6 5534550 SHJFax: +971 6 5535009 SHJJamal Abdul Naser Street, Al Majaz
P.O.Box: 23515 Sharjahwww.emaratco.comQuality Computers LLC
Tel: +971 2 6766630 ADHTel: +971 6 5726060 SHJTel: +971 4 3522562 DXBTel: +971 3 7660345 ALNFax: +971 2 6767337 ADHFax: +971 6 5727060 SHJFax: +971 4 3522379 DXBFax: +971 3 7660353 ALNNext to Al Hamra Plaza, Electra Street
P.O.Box: 28305 SharjahTaibah Computer Technology
Tel: +971 6 5733832 SHJFax: +971 6 5733830 SHJOpposite Dubai International Bank, Immigration Road, Al Qassimia
P.O.Box: 24599 SharjahTexas Computer
Tel: +971 6 5625595 SHJFax: +971 6 5645436 SHJNear Rolla Park, Rolla
P.O.Box: 3915 SharjahZ A Trading Company LLC
Tel: +971 6 5558274 SHJTel: +971 4 2249214 DXBFax: +971 4 2249215 DXBBuheira Corniche, Al Majaz
SharjahNinja Computers
Tel: +971 6 5660894 SHJFax: +971 6 5664375 SHJNear Karachi Darbar Restaurant, Wasit Street, Samnan
P.O.Box: 63136 SharjahMicrosim Computers LLC
Tel: +971 6 5683015 SHJTel: +971 4 2959829 DXBFax: +971 6 5684016 SHJFax: +971 4 2959839 DXB9th Floor, Sarah Shopping Centre, Bank Street, Rolla
P.O.Box: 30884 Sharjahwww.microsimcom.comMazoon Computer & Mobile Phone
Tel: +971 6 5634266 SHJNear Musalla Pharmacy, Clock Tower, Al Zahra Street
P.O.Box: 32645 SharjahMary Land Computer Company
Tel: +971 6 5599359 SHJFax: +971 6 5599539 SHJAl Majaz Southern Park Street
P.O.Box: 29396 SharjahMamlakat Al Computer
Tel: +971 6 5746770 SHJFax: +971 6 5746771 SHJNear ADCB, Al Mina Road
P.O.Box: 25270 SharjahLan Computers
Tel: +971 6 5530520 SHJFax: +971 6 5530510 SHJJamal Abdul Naser Street, Al Majas
P.O.Box: 41037 SharjahKish Computers
Tel: +971 6 5590825 SHJFax: +971 6 5590827 SHJNear Jumbo Showroom, King Faisal Street
P.O.Box: 25828 Sharjahwww.kishcomputers.comInternational Communications Network Group Incorporated
Tel: +971 6 5570667 SHJFax: +971 6 5570668 SHJL1-20, SAIF Zone
P.O.Box: 7821 Sharjahwww.icnincorp.comIntel Computers
Tel: +971 6 5626559 SHJFax: +971 6 5624558 SHJNear Panasonic Showroom, Al Mina Street
P.O.Box: 4407 Sharjahwww.intelsharjah.comHardcom Computer
Tel: +971 6 5612634 SHJFax: +971 6 5612735 SHJAl Qayyed Building, Behind National Panasonic Building, Umm Al Tarafa
P.O.Box: 1835 SharjahHalab Computer Trading Establishment
Tel: +971 6 5617776 SHJFax: +971 6 5624572 SHJOld Spinneys Roundabout, Immigration Road
P.O.Box: 28266 Sharjahwww.labinteractive.com